
Geek Week Villain: Ganondorf


Evil Scale: 7.0

One of the best known foes among the Nintendo universe, I for one find Ganondorf to be a rather underrated villain. Yes, naturally, in the elden Zelda days, he was a bit of a stereotypical baddie that did a little cackle and tried to rule the world, but look beyond his minutes of corn.

Deep within, he's actually a pretty bad guy.
There's a reason why he is always the final boss, why he is always the hardest to beat.
Many of his visible actions, especially the ones not seen, were dark. He's known as the Demon King and that isn't too far off. He may hide behind a humanoid embodiment, but in almost every Zelda game he's in, he has a much greater, more powerful form that's destructive and near unbeatable.

Some would argue his darkest game would be Twilight Princess and while he may have shown his more demonic side there, I found Ocarina of Time to be the tipping point of his dark villainy.
He was brutal to everyone in that game and the way they portrayed him was rather smart.
He worked his way into power within the kingdom of Hyrule and when his chance came, he took it, and killed everyone who stood in his way, conquering the land and slaughtering the people he found to be of no use. People just don't think of this fact since everything was unseen (due to it being off-screen and Link being asleep for those 7 years of Ganon's reign). He tried to hunt down Princess Zelda and make an example of her, as he did the others. And he put in charge all his dangerous minions to oppress the people and yes, kill them, to keep order in his land. In many ways, this Ganondorf was a tyrant.
He even had his hand in what happened to Link's mother.

Ganondorf is a far greater villain than everyone gives him credit for.
He can be just as dark and menacing as any other.
Watching that one scene of him in Twilight Princess where he murders one of the Sages proves it.
I think as we get further into the Zelda series and get more mature atmospheres as we've been seeing, with much more scarier and creepier villains, we'll probably witness more of the dark side he clearly possesses.
But from what I've seen, Ganondorf certainly can hold a candle to his title, the "Demon King".
(from The Character World)

Which poses the question, which is your favorite version of Ganondorf?



Super Mario fan art, Sep 27

A little bit of amazing Mario fan art for you guys! ♥
(artists unknown)

God Bless,

Hello, one and all! 
Our core page, The Character World, is having it's first Geek Week, starting on Monday (Sep 28) and since I am a devout video game fan, I shall be doing a few game related articles. The main place to witness the show will naturally be TCW's official blog, so if you're interested in the full deal, please be checking in on it frequently this coming week! I have many exciting things to geek out about in store, so you won't wanna miss it! :) But all the same, I will be relaying the game related articles back to here.

Thank you for your interest in our relatively new site and I hope you stick around for this coming week!

God Bless,

Pleased to meet you, FF8..

After finishing FF7 (the greatest achievement of my time, to be honest), I almost immediately moved right on to FF8. It took me awhile to get used to the characters, story and set-up and everything after playing such an amazing predecessor. By disc 2, I still loved FF7 much, much more, but the game slowly started to grow on me. Mainly due to the characters having their stories built and a few interesting twists started popping up here and there. Now I have grown a love for the game and it's characters, even though I haven't played it in awhile. I still have 2 more discs to do, apart from the 2nd I have to finish off.
Yes, the game is not perfect and holds a very tiny midget candle in comparison to FF7, and sometimes it can seem a little too strange to follow, but once you get through the rough parts, it's actually quite enjoyable.

One thing that really threw me off was the music. It's still a little puzzling at times, but the world map music, which I immediately raised an eyebrow at upon first hearing it, actually grew on me.

So this is really a question for you fellow Final Fantasy fans..
which do you prefer? VII or VIII?



What I'd like to see from the Final Fantasy VII Remake..

I have resumed progress on my Final Fantasy VII quest and am at the end of disc 2. But since I'm progressing through this fandom, I thought I would throw in what I would like to see from the FF7 remake.

For one, I would really love to see FMV's of Vincent and Yuffie. I know that since they were optional characters at the time, that they decided not to have them appear in the FMV's, but I hope they change their minds about that when they develop the new game.
The preview looks absolutely gorgeous, so I know the graphics and everything will be stunning to watch.
It's also almost certain they'll have voice actors this time around, cuz at the time of the first one, voice acting in video games wasn't really a required thing yet. But yeah, please don't forget Yuffie and Vincent!

As for language, I think they'll probably honker down on it. They've been much more tame in their sequels and spin-offs. I don't know what else they might change or censor this time around.

The battle system for the FF games, to be honest, has always frustrated me, at how often you get into fights and the pattern of it, as well, as far as having to take turns.
If they can change it to how they have it in Kingdom Hearts, I would be a happy camper, but I know that's just wishful thinking. Sooo, this'll probably be ignored and that's fine, I can deal..

I also hope they keep the same music or don't tamper with it too much, cuz I am so in love with all the pieces they did! Some of my favorites are the main theme, the Bombing Mission, Wutai, Sephiroth's theme, Cosmo Canyon, City of the Ancients..and I'm sure there's more. :P Those were sooo good. ♥

I do know that they have stated they're changing some things, which I understand cuz the original FF7 was a long time ago and they must be thinking what in the world was I thinking back then... XD
But I hope they don't go too overboard. I would love a few things to be updated or changed, but not too heavily. I still want it to be Final Fantasy VII.
I literally love almost everything about this game. It's one of the best games, if not THINGS, ever.
I love it's story, the characters, the feel of it, everything is just perfect.
So I really hope they treat it's update with the utmost respect and care, which I'm sure they would since it's their baby and honestly the best of the series, but I just want them to be careful how they handle things and what they might change. If they decide to go crazy with plot points and what not, then it wouldn't really correspond with the other FF7 works very well.

But I seriously just can't wait to see what they do with it. Regardless of their decision on anything, I'm still gonna get the game and I'm sure I'll love it the same as the first.
I've been waiting so long for this. ♥
For us fans, it's arrival was almost as awaited as the return of Jesus, I'm not kidding.
No one thought it was gonna happen, ever. XDDD

I just can't wait, though.
Are you guys looking forward to it? :) What do you hope to see?
Here's the preview, if you haven't seen it yet!



John C. Reilly confirms return for Wreck-It Ralph sequel...

Ok, so I already knew this was coming. As soon as I got back home from seeing the first one at the theater (a good memory, btw, seeing it with my nephew and sister), I read the wikipedia up and saw that they were already planning for a sequel, which I'm totally glad for. ♥
I loved the first one to bits. I'll be honest, I'm a sucker for video game movies, no matter how terrible the storyline and acting might be for it. I mean, c'mon, the only reason I'm going to go see Pixels when it comes out is because there is a video game storyline. ;P
But no, they did really good on this one. :)

I'm hoping they add in more actual vg characters. The cameos in the first were perfectly done, I just honestly want to support people giving vg characters larger roles in films. I really want people to get more into video games.

Anyway, as a little update, they're talking about Disney being in discussions with Nintendo over licensing for characters like Mario, Luigi, Link, etc. As well as expanding roles for villains like Bowser and General Bison.

Besides that, I'm glad to hear he's coming back for the role! He did a great job as Ralph!
I also hope Vanellope comes back, too, cuz she was amazing. <3 XDDDD
Anyone else a Wreck-It Ralph fan?



So much yes!!! OoO

Omg!! I love these mangas so much!! :DDD
They say it's supposed to come this year, too! ♥
Fingers crossed! (wishing with all her heart that it's Twilight Princess)


Takeharu Ishimoto knows where it's at, yo.






Why video games are actually quite frankly amazing

I know a lot of people have this very vicious stereotype that video games don't 'have a storyline' and that they're just for nerds. I'm fully aware of the hate or disinterest video games get from them. I've been aware of it ever since I knew what a video game even was.

Well I'm here to tell you, being someone who loves entertainment of all formats, that video games have some of the best storylines out there.

Sure, in the beginning, video games were corny little inventions to help pass the time and many of them DIDN'T have much of a plot to brag about. They gave you a mission and you followed it. Just like you would in a board game. Over the years, however, video games have grown into so much more. While things like Mario still stick around to keep especially the kiddies entertained and has a fair amount of plot that would match up with that of a cartoon, things like The Legend of Zelda, Halo and especially Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts have some of the best and most beautiful storylines out there, in my opinion. The characters created are amazing and many backstories are so deep and unexpected. The creators of these games even today try their best to bring in people who have their doubts. Who disbelieve that games have a plot. They strive to improve the graphics and material to make them seem real-like.
I might add that video games are basically like movies and shows, it's just that YOU can control where the story goes. YOU are the hero. 

Many video games have been converted into movies very nicely.
Advent Children, for instance, is one of my all-time favorite movies, as well as Wreck-It Ralph.
Halo: Forward Unto Dawn was brilliant. (and it even has Susan Pevensie!)

Video games can also teach you alot. They've been proven to help kids' puzzle-solving skills and interaction to things.

I might just be very easy to please when it comes to stuff, but I grew up with video games and had the love of them instilled in me, so I honestly can not even imagine what life would be like without some of the characters found in so many of the classics.
I know if more people caved in and just played, they'd really love it.
I always have a respect for folks who promote games so positively and encourage others, including the type that doubt, to play. Folks such as the awesome Robin Williams and Zachary Levi, for example.

Robin and Zelda


Robin even named his daughter after Princess Zelda, for pete's sake.
So yes, games have had a large impact in character society. They have amazing characters and plots and the graphics are getting better and better, even though I've never been too picky on graphics to begin with.
Still, there's some really great stuff out there that people would really enjoy. There's games ranging from every scenario, every type of character, every type of plot, I'm sure you'll find something to get into.
Games even get created based on movies.

So please give them a chance. You have no idea what you're missing out on-- games are incredible things and I know you'll agree if you just pick up a controller and take a leap. :)
